Thursday, May 19, 2011

Meaning of the Quote

I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things a different way. The
world looks very different up here . . . Just when you think you think you know something you
have to look at it in another way . . . When you read, don’t just consider what the author thinks,
you must consider what you think.

I think it is a really nice quote that is an advice for our real lives.What i understood from this quote is that that we should always stand in the right position, and what I mean by the right position is what we think i right not other people thinking. In addition, we should think of the actions we are doing more then once so that we do not fall into mistakes like they did in the movie I think that they did not understand the mrs.Kitney correctly they have should think of it in many ways not just how to enjoy their time with illeagle things that they will be punished if they did. To add, when he says the "world looks very different up there" it means that in that position which you think is the correct position without taking others interests, your life will be a lot different because you are controlling it on the way you want it to be. Even if you know something and you are one hundred percent sure you should consider thinking of it on some other ways like you should think of it from both positive and negative sites. Reading is not the key of knowing the author thinking because it is not enough, you should think your own thinking to know what is the meaning of this article or passage that was written by different authors. Each and single person will give a different meaning of this quote because everybody thinks different than the other but what I think that it will be the same meaning but containing different words, phrases, and thoughts.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Overweight Problems

Their are a lot of people nowadays in the world that are facing overweight problems and they hope to loose it and be thin again. It really hard to loose because who is facing this problem of course they are lazy and always like to eat and sleep but with the time they regret it and they say oooo I wish I never ate this and that.

To loose weight we need to exercise almost three times a day for at least 2 hours to maintain a nice looking body and to keep fit and healthy. Stay fit is the goal for all people who are facing the overweight problems and wish to loose it.Second, the other way is to controll the eating habbit and never eat more than what you usually eat because it will effect your body to become bigger and you will need to work really hard to loose this food later on.

I really think that it is necessary yo keep the body fit and healthy and not to be over weighted so that you do not get a hard time later on and to enjoy the life in doing sports and do what ever you want with no limits. So who has this problem should work for it beginning of now and work hard and never stop what they are doing because the weight is easy to get but hard to loose so do not start it from the beginning so that you do not get in to this kind of problems.

Their are are a lot of people who say that they are very old for those kind of problems and they will not loose it easily but people should know that their is no such as i can not do it they should try and never give. Keep trying is the key of success what ever happens just believe in your self and you will do it. It is very simple just keep exercising and eat healthy food.